- The Economic Importance of Recreation River Use to the City of Calgary. A paper presented to Calgary City Councillors supporting the Motion to Council, “River Access Strategy in June 2106 CRUA Economic Position Statement to City of Calgary
- The Case for a River Management Plan. A supplement to the paper presented to Calgary City Councillors supporting the Motion to Council, “River Access Strategy” June 2016 The Case for a River Management Plan
- The Economic Importance of Bow River Recreational River Use to the Local Economy. CRUA 2019.The Economic Importance of Bow River Recreational Use to the Local Economy 05August 2019
- The Kananaskis Valley – It is time for Water Management Change. Peter Crowe-Swords CRUA 2021. CRUA – Kananaskis River Enhancement Proposal
- A Bow River Recreational Plan Is Needed. CRUA Sept 2021.Bow Basin Recreation Maanagement -01Septt2021
- Alberta Crown Land Outdoor Recreation Economy. 2021. Tourist Industry Association of Canada. Alberta Outdoor Rec TIAC Report 2021
- Alberta Outdoor Recreation Study. 2019. Fraser Valley Regional District. Fraser Valley Outdoor-Recreation-Study
- Economics of the Bow River Water-based Rercreation.CRUA Report, 2022. The Economics of the Bow River Water-based Recreation final Sept 2022
- CRUA Bow River Basin Recreational Management Plam. 01Jan2023.CRUA Bow River Basin Recreation Management Plan-01jan2023