Bow River Recreation Management Plan


  1. The Economic Importance of Recreation River Use to the City of Calgary. A paper presented to Calgary City Councillors  supporting the Motion to Council, “River Access Strategy in June 2106 CRUA Economic Position Statement to City of Calgary
  2. The Case for a River Management Plan. A supplement to the paper presented to Calgary City Councillors supporting the Motion to Council, “River Access Strategy” June 2016  The Case for a River Management Plan
  3. The Economic Importance of Bow River Recreational River Use to the Local Economy. CRUA 2019.The Economic Importance of Bow River Recreational Use to the Local Economy 05August 2019
  4. The Kananaskis Valley – It is time for Water Management Change. Peter Crowe-Swords CRUA 2021. CRUA – Kananaskis River Enhancement Proposal
  5. A Bow River Recreational Plan Is Needed. CRUA Sept 2021.Bow Basin Recreation Maanagement -01Septt2021
  6. Alberta Crown Land Outdoor Recreation Economy. 2021. Tourist Industry Association of Canada. Alberta Outdoor Rec TIAC Report 2021
  7. Alberta Outdoor Recreation Study. 2019. Fraser Valley Regional District. Fraser Valley Outdoor-Recreation-Study
  8.  Economics of the Bow River Water-based Rercreation.CRUA Report, 2022. The Economics of the Bow River Water-based Recreation final Sept 2022
  9. CRUA Bow River Basin Recreational Management Plam. 01Jan2023.CRUA Bow River Basin Recreation Management Plan-01jan2023