Bowmont Park Fish Habitat Enhancement Project.

Bowmont Park Fish Habitat Enhancement Project.

The City of Calgary is committed to exploring innovative solutions for supporting watershed health. biodiversity and flood mitigation. One of these solutions is the Fish Habitat Compensation Program, an integrated effort to conserve fish habitat in Calgary.

The historical river side channels adjacent to the Bowmont West Park were identified as an excellent location to provide compensation for the loss of fish habitat. Construction of the Bowmont West Fish Habitat Enhancement was completed in July 2019.Following the 2013 flood.

The City undertook a number of projects to repair and reinforce riverbanks along the Bow River.

These projects helped protect critical City infrastructure, but in some cases had negative impacts on sensitive fish habitat along the river. The site is located at the west side of Bowmont Park and the fish compensation work was located on the north bank of the Bow River.