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The Bow River Reservoir Options – July 2024 Update

The following news release was received from Alberta Environment & Protected Areas today. Some important decisions have been made to move the project forward as quickly as possible while recognizing the importance of public engagement in the future of the project development. The Morley Reservoir Option will not be advanced at this time leaving the […]

Are Shuttled Vehicle Keys Secure?

Each year hundreds, or if not, thousands of vehicles are shuttled downstream the Bow River for the convenience of anglers and paddlers to arrive at their destination, knowing that their vehicle is safely delivered to a takeout point. Keys are most likely left with one of the shuttle companies that operate on the Bow River […]

Bow River Flows

The Bow River and its tributaries have a wide range of flows throughout the year. Peak flows are reached during late June and July following snow melt in the mountains and taper off until the fall. Two graphs document the current water flows through Calgary and below the Carseland Dam after the takeoff into the […]

Calgary’s Fish Habitat Compensation Program

The City of Calgary Fish Habitat Compensation Program (FHCP) is unique in so far as the sites selected for the fish compensation initiative are spread across the entire City of Calgary Bow River and the Elbow River watersheds. In addition, the sites are located above and below the Western Irrigation District Weir–Harvie Passage (HP) and […]

The Bow River Fish Rescue – What is the Impact on the Sport Fishery?

Every year, the irrigation canals located throughout southern Alberta are shut off in October that results in the stranding of any fish which entered the canals during the irrigation season. As the canals drain and what little water remains freezes, and fish would die if not rescued by groups of concerned volunteers. Trout Unlimited Canada, […]

More Government Oversight Needed to Protect River Recreation Users

Is the Bow River a safe place for recreational activities? Generally, the answer is yes, but on July 21, 2023, a failure of the Ghost Hydroelectric Plant may change your mind! The power plant was knocked offline by a lightning strike, and water flowing through the turbines dropped to almost zero. When the power was […]