The Alberta Rivers App displays water elevation levels and the calculated flow rate at recording stations across Alberta. How is the flow rate calculated, what is the accuracy of the recording, and how do they compare to other recording on the same watercourse? Bottom line: The flow/discharge rates are accurate when comparing data […]
Latest News
Bow River Flow Forecasts – 2022
Bow River flow release forecasts from Ghost and Bearpaw reservoirs are reported by TransAlta to the river user community from April to October. CRUA will post this data on the website each Friday from April 15 to July 15, and more frequently if condition warrant. The flow forecasts are a predicted daily average flow and are […]
Harvie Passage – Proposal for Safety Boom Modifications Denied
The conceptual design of Harvie Passage as a safe traverse of Calgary’s Bow River – Western Irrigation District Weir was first proposed in 2001. Twenty years later Harvie Passage has become a focal point in the heart of Calgary for a variety of whitewater activities for the competitive and casual paddle community. It also offers […]
CRUA – The Bow River Recreation Resource
Calgary River Users Alliance has expanded from an advocate for Calgary’s Bow and Elbow Rivers recreation access to a more encompassing Bow River Basin recreation management objective. Along with the expansion of our scope of engagement, we have divided our Resources webpage into 5 sections that form the focus of our advocacy directive. Bow River […]
Bow River Flows Starting to Increase
As April progresses, we will see drops in the snow pack, emptying of reservoirs, and increases in flows from the Bearspaw Reservoir. There are 4 recording station that will give an overview of what is happening this spring. Graphs for each of them are attached: Sunshine Snow Pack – Its at a high level not […]
Angling Restrictions on Southern Alberta’s Rivers
After considerable engagement and debate within the fishing community, the Government of Alberta has installed Time-of-Day Angling Restrictions to the Bow River and other southern Alberta rivers when high temperatures and low water flows put the survival of the fish population at risk. The Alberta Environment & Parks decision to impose Time-of-Day angling restrictions is […]