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Boat Ramp Update – April 02, 2020

Calgary River Users Alliance has added a new page to our website that will assist river users on which Bow River boat ramps are available from within Calgary and downstream to Carseland. Not all are currently open either due to weather conditions and emergency measures issued by government agencies to reduce the spread of COVID-19 […]

Newsletter March 2020

This winter’s cold weather spell appears to have broken that makes for thoughts of river activities once again. CRUA has been active on a variety of important initiatives over the winter months that will enhance recreational river use in the coming years. The focus of this newsletter is to update existing river user initiatives and […]

Who We Are

At our October 22, 2019 General Meeting we had discussions on where we started from and and what our future direction should be. The CRUA Position Statement was updated to reflect our vision for the future. The scope of our engagement outside of the river user community has also expanded to support our commitment to […]

Bow River Recreation Use Contributes More Than $50 Million Annually to Calgary’s Economy

Calgary River Users’ Alliance (CRUA) has used Canadian and Alberta statistical data to calculate what local river users  contribute to the local economy. The summary of the analysis: When the fishing and paddle data was combined it was estimated that the recreational river users contribute more than $50 million annually to the local economy. The […]

Elbow River Spawning Habitat Restoration Pilot Project

The Government of Alberta Fisheries Habitat Enhancement and Sustainability (FISHES) Program is working in collaboration with the City of Calgary in the Elbow River at Sandy Beach and below the Glenmore Dam in the coming weeks. The focus of the pilot project is to restore fish habitat lost during the 2013 flood through the placement […]

Calgary Fire Department Budget Cuts – Open Letter to Calgary City Councillors

Calgary Fire Department – Budget Cuts Proposal Dear Calgary City Councillor: The City of Calgary Council has directed City Administration to reduce operational budgets to alleviate the 2019/20 city tax burden. It has been suggested that the Calgary Fire Department (CFD) find ways to reduce its operational budget by $9 million. As an essential service […]